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Key Features Of Custom Cartridge Heater

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Are you aware that the cartridge heater is becoming a better option for the heating process?


This is simply due to the efficient and effective heating process of the cartridge heater. It comes in different shapes and sizes just like the electric heater.


The cartridge heater is a powerful tube-shaped device with lead at one end that produces heat when plugging to a power source.


The custom cartridge heater is designed to meet a specific need. This makes custom cartridge heater suitable for different applications.

Cartridge Heater without Stopper


To select a perfect custom cartridge heater, basic factors you should consider are voltage, the application of the cartridge heater, the environmental condition, and the temperature capabilities.


This is why sourcing a custom cartridge heater from a reputable and renowned custom cartridge heater supplieris highly advisable.


The Operational Temperature Of Custom Cartridge Heater

One special thing about cartridge heater is that the operation varies from a low, medium, to high watt densities, and there are some custom cartridges that can withstand very high temperatures.


The ideal operating temperature of a custom cartridge heater depends on the type of application. A reliable custom cartridge heater supplier will recommend a suitable heater that meets your requirement.


There is a need to understand the electrical termination of the cartridge when it comes to operating temperature. The electrical terminal should be different for high-temperature heaters to avoid damage to the lead wires.


Uses Of Cartridge Heaters

The general uses of cartridge heaters are heating of mold, dies, and different parts by inserting the cartridge heater into the holes. Different cartridge heaters heat different things.


For example, the mold cartridge heater is used to heat mold.

The custom cartridge heater is used to heat different applications with specific watt density.


Besides, it is also suitable for liquid immersion purposes and other application such as:

§ Heating of medical equipment

§ Apply in laminating press

§ Use in hot stamping

§ Use in the molding of plastic

§ Apply in the heating of liquids and gases


Different accessories for Custom Cartridge Heater

The custom cartridge heater is designed for different uses and conditions. Some of the accessories for customizing cartridge heater are:


1. The internal thermocouples

The internal thermocouples evaluate the efficiency of the heat transfer of the application. This helps in cutting the energy cost and improving the lifespan of the heater.  


2. The Flanges

The flanges are attached close to the end of the lead of the heater by welding or heating. The flanges position the heater at a place in the applications that are affected by vibration.


3. The Threaded Bushings

The threaded bushings are used in a situation that requires the heater to be attached to a container to heat liquids like oil or water. It is attached to the cartridge heater by welding.


4. The Epoxy Seals

The epoxy seals protect the heater from contamination or moisture, plastic material, organic tapes, cleaning solvent, and fumes. There are different sealing materials for protecting the cartridge heater.



The cartridge heater is a powerful tube-shaped device with lead at one end that produces heat when plugging to a power source.


The custom cartridge heater is designed to work perfectly for different applications.  Some factors to consider for a heater are voltage, environmental condition, and temperature capabilities.


This is why sourcing a custom cartridge heater from a reputable and renowned custom cartridge heater supplier is highly advisable. 

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As a professional electric heater manufacturer, Reheatek is commited to the production of high-quality cartridge heater, tubuler heater, immersion heater and temperature sensor.



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